Friday Five No. 227 April 26, 2024

Hi All!

Below is your weekly dose of a list of things I’m reading, watching, listening to, or thinking about from my No. 227 April 26 2024 newsletter. If this message was forwarded to you, sign up for this newsletter using this link.

Quote I’m Re-Reading

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. – Jim Barksdale

New Video I Posted

Resource adequacy is the ability of the electric grid to meet the demand of the electric grid at any time.

Resource adequacy is like having enough ingredients to make a meal.

Just as you need the right amounts of ingredients to prepare a dish, the electricity grid needs enough power plants to meet the demand for electricity from homes and businesses.

If there are not enough power plants available, it’s like being short on ingredients, and the meal (or in this case, the electricity supply) might fall short.

Ensuring resource adequacy means securing sufficient power resources to satisfy the expected demand, just as a chef would ensure they have all the necessary ingredients before attempting to cook a meal.

Book I Read

Die With Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life by Bill Perkins starts with an exercise to imagine that you did everything right throughout your life, including investing for your retirement, and at the end of your life, the only thing you wasted was your time. 

Die with Zero argues that we should get the most out of our money during our lives, not simply during our retirement years. 

Perkins wants to teach you how to optimize your life by not prioritizing over saving and not using your financial resources while you can. 

The main takeaway from Die with Zero is that we should use our money and accumulated wealth for experiences before it’s too late. 

Podcasts I Listened To

Renewable energy podcasts have been on my plate lately. Here are some of the most informative episodes I’ve listened  to recently:

Jake Berlin – Stem

Allan Marks – Millbank

Michael Rucker – Scout Clean Energy

Aaron Halimi – Renewable Properties

Now is the time for distributed energy

Why are “transferable” tax credits such a big deal

Brightnight CEO on investing in renewable energy

John Cockerill on hydrogen electrolyzers

MUFG Managing Director on the Project Finance Renewables Loan Market

Trump and the IRA

Video I Watched

Additional new bits of advice I wished I had known earlier (not in my book), as my gift on my 73 birthday

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