June Book List: Books I Read on the Road 2018

Books In June | Points with Q | Washington DC | Travel Blogger

It was a productive reading month, compared to May, as I was able to knock out 3 books on my June book list.

I finished up the last of Richard Branson books that I wanted to read and it didn’t disappoint. The remaining 2 books in June are ones that I’ve continually put off, one I’ve actually put off reading since hearing the author’s interview on the Tim Ferriss podcast in October of 2015.

June Book List

Finding My Virginity: The New Autobiography

Finding My Virginity Book
Image courtesy of amazon.com

I picked up this book and 2 other Richard Brandon books after listening to his Tim Ferris podcast interview. I enjoyed Finding My Virginity: The New Autobiography because it goes into more detail about his business career, his ups and downs, and what he’d do differently. Branson also shares his family more in this book, including his parents and grandkids. I appreciate the color of his family because it humanizes a billionaire and makes him more approachable. 

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

Extreme Ownership Book
Image courtesy of amazon.com

Jocko may be the scariest human I’ve ever listened to or seen online. He’s a decorated Navy SEAL commander who has a no-nonsense attitude towards life. Leif is Jocko’s business partner and also served in the Middle East with him. While not as intimidating as Jocko, I would never want to disappoint him. Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win covers the author’s time in the middle of the last decade in Iraq. Each chapter starts with a story where their team must figure a way out of terrible situations. The way the intro stories are written makes you feel like you are there with them, which I enjoyed. The Intro section is then followed by the Principle section where you learn how that military encounter relates to your own life. Each chapter ends with an Application to Business section. Jocko and Leif use examples from when they are spending time with businesses they consult with, and how you can learn from what this business did to succeed in tough situations.

Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual

Discipline Equals Freedom Book
Image courtesy of amazon.com

I’ll admit that Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual is for a niche audience. If you’re into fitness or are trying to get into shape, this book is for you. Jocko outlines how to overcome fear, weakness, and procrastination by instilling discipline in everything that you do. Discipline Equals Freedom is the mantra he lives by and that certainly comes across in this book. The book ends with specific workouts for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced individuals. He also shares a basic diet that will help with overall health and better sleep.

What’s In My Cart?

I trimmed down my Amazon books in June list as it was getting out of hand and causing a little anxiety.

I’d look at my cart and continually see the list piling up until it got over 35 books. With that many books, I was experiencing decision fatigue and knew I needed to clean house.

After getting my Amazon cart to a manageable number, I landed on the following books that I plan to knock out in short order:


Reading has been a skill I’ve continued to work on by focusing on books that peak my interest at the time.

Hopefully these books in June are ones that you can read on the road and find as much value as I have found.

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